Thursday, August 23, 2007

Will We Be in a Relationship?

Many clients ask me if they will enter into a committed relationship with someone that has offered them a casual sexual relationship. I do my best to tune in so that I can see if there is any chance of this taking place. Sometimes the person does want more, but often they do not. Once I reveal that the other person was very upfront and honest about their desires, there is usually silence or anger that follows the session.
I cannot stress how much a person needs to listen and accept the words of someone that desires only a physical relationship. People who desire this are usually not interested in sacrificing for a more significant relationship. This may be due to their schedule, personal beliefs, or an additional relationship. Do not fool yourself into believing that their heart will change later about you, because it is a rare occurrence. Remember, when you first enter a relationship, it is the beginning that is the best and this is the point where the two of you spend time getting to know each other. However, once you partake of sexual intimacy, the person has no incentive to inquire or learn more about you. Please be wise, so that you do not feel deceived later, because the only person that is responsible is YOU.

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