Monday, November 05, 2012

Election Day 2012 Psychic Prediction

We are all wondering if Barack Obama will continue to serve as the commander in chief or if business man Mitt Romney will take his seat.  Between the debates, commercials, and hidden cameras it's a tough decision for America.  I see many people toying with not voting at all, most of whom are Republican. There will be a slight increase in nonparticipating voters, but it will not significantly impact the results. Much will be said about the states affected by Hurricane Sandy skewing the polls and affecting outcome.  In addition several reports of voter suppression tactics will pour into news outlets.  November 6, 2012 is going to be a busy day.  In the end, Barack Obama will remain in office and continue to serve as the president of the United States of America. Regardless of who you choose, please use your privilege as as a citizen to cast your vote.

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