Thursday, August 16, 2007

Celebrity Psychic Predictions- Britney Spears

2008 Predictions for Britney Spears
-She will have joint custody of her children
-She will be secretly engaged but call the wedding off
-She will make a musical come back and release a new album
-She will seek a new religious refuge with more notable celebrities

Despite the tumultuous life that Ms. Spears has led for the past couple of years, I see her coming out on top as a more mature, sophisticated woman. By the end of 2008, the same media who catches every one of her faults, will begin to praise her as someone with resilience and the fortitude to overcome difficulty.

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1 comment:

mel said...

thanks for your prediction. some say she will die in the end of 2007 or in 2008. i hope you're right.